6:00 PM18:00

Dope Women in Media Exhibition Opening Reception

Dope Women in Media

Curated by Laura D. Gibson

January 24 - February 15, 2025

Location: Detroit Artist Market (DAM), 4719 Woodward Ave

The Dope Women in Media exhibition recognizes the women living and from the greater Detroit Area in film, video, photo, and new media and their research, contribution, and impact on contemporary art and mainstream culture. Throughout this exhibit, emerging and seasoned artists and filmmakers will showcase work of audio, video, film, and stills and attributing materials. Viewers will also gaze into the participant's current work and research in new media and contemporary photo and film studies that call for innovative, experimental art,  filmmaking and storytelling.

Participating Artists: Nina Young, Danielle Eliska, Arrielle Mock, Asia Hamilton

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